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October 2020 ISBN: 978-0-9749744-1-5


            The ambition of LIFE'S HIDDEN PANACEA is to promote life-changing self-spiritual awareness and omniscience, the kind fundamental to Human Ascension, i.e. the ascension of human beings — and Ascendants: nonphysical intermediaries sponsoring human beings under God, mysterious — after life. Making ascension biologically possible is the all natural, all-inclusive, PANACEA DIET, which by nutritionally activating various decipherable physical and mental bio-response mechanisms for regulating dietary contributions -- creating new biocircuitry -- ends biological, and thus spiritual "Hunger" (self-explanatory), thereby allowing the ascension process to proceed. Ascension gives purpose and meaning to life, and ends the typical reincarnation cycle that otherwise normally results. Ascension biology is the pinnacle in human evolution!

            Now, commoners, differently, might opt for a reduced version of the Panacea Diet, deficient in the ambrosial component. Here, one would only be able achieve the highest level of healing and health personally attainable, ideally.

            All told, Panacea is a complete reality solver. Concisely written, providing the kernel of truth to all that exists allows individuals to develop a full general understanding of how reality, on all levels, operates as a whole. Any areas of interest or complexities encountered, can be further researched. This, the pansophist's "book of everything,"  is a steady stream of rarefied information . . . .

            You can believe it! It is something new to believe in.


Website Content Last Modified:  December 5th, 2024